Be sure to check back frequently for updates.
Also, check out our Facebook page.
Announcements will be here, via a phone message by the pastor, an email message by the pastor, on the church Facebook page, and on the tv screen in the Narthex. Come by to check it out.
More information about all these announcements are available in the Narthex, the church office, or by contacting the pastor.
Monthly Children's Message
Every Third Sunday, a Children's message is given by our Director of Christian Education in both worship services.
Monthly Ministry Focus
Every Forth Sunday, a Focus on every ministry available at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church between the worship services at 10:00am during the school year.
Worship Sponsorship
Sponsorships of Bulletins, Eternal Flame Candle and Flowers are available for honor and/or memorial of loved ones and/or events.
Volunteer Opportunity
Many volunteer opportunities exist at Good Shepherd including:
Quilting, Fishes and Loaves, Maintenance, Organization of Archive Room, Hospitality, Assisting in worship leadership, and MORE...
Prayer and Visitation Box
The box in the Narthex is now available to put prayer requests AND visitation requests. There are cards next to the box which you can fill in with your prayer request, whether the prayer can be publicized rather not, and a visitation request. You can request a visit from the pastor or from the visitation team for yourself or someone you know. Only the pastor will check this box.
You are also able to contact the pastor directly by clicking here for a private email message.
ELCA World Hunger
Funds will be matched 100% by the ELCA up to $100,000
Checks should be made out to ELCA World Hunger
Mail to: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
ELCA Gift Processing Center
P O Box 1809
Merrifield, VA 22116-8009
More information can be found and donated online by clicking here.